Since 2014, Aljo has been awarded the Creditreform Solvency Certificate (CrefoZert). With this certificate, Creditreform Oldenburg Bolte KG confirms our company’s excellent financial standing and creditworthiness.

Consistently fulfilling CrefoZert’s certification criteria, Aljo ranks in the top 2% of all companies rated in Germany by:
- Solvency Index < 250 or an external rating better than BBB - from a recognized rating agency

- Balance sheet rating < CR8

- Successful management interview: no significant credit risks identified
The certification is based on a professional analysis of the annual financial statements by Creditreform Rating AG, a BaFin-certified subsidiary of Creditreform AG. This is supplemented by data from the current credit report and assessments of the current situation and future prospects of the candidate, which are determined in a personal interview.
Aljo Aluminium-Bau Jonuscheit GmbH met all relevant criteria to a special degree.
Central Bank Eligibility – that’s the result of the Aljo credit assessment by the Bundesbank.
For monetary policy purposes, companies with the "eligibility status" can be treated by the Bundesbank and other Central Banks of the Eurosystem in the same way as companies considered investment grade by recognized rating agencies. I.e. claims against such companies can be considered as collateral securities for monetary policy transaction by the Bundesbank and other Central Banks of the Eurosystem.

Reliability, stability and security are extremely important, particularly in times like these – for you as employees as well as our suppliers and customers.


Creditreform is Germany's leading provider of business information and receivables management solutions.
With up-to-date credit reports on companies and private individuals along with professional receivables and risk management, Creditreform gives companies security in establishing and expanding their
business relationships.